Dark Blues
Royal Blues

Dark Navy blue with blue and aqua waves

Deep Blue fades to turquoise near the shore

Deep royal blue with light blue shore break

Dark Navy blue with blue and aqua waves

Soft turquoise shoreline fades into deep royal blue waters.

Light blue shore break turns into royal blue

Soft turquoise shoreline fades into deep royal blue waters.

Light Turquoise fades into deep aqua and blue waters.

Light to Dark turquoise

Light Turquoise fades into deep aqua and blue waters.

Turquoise and Emerald water deepens into a combo of blue and greens

Emerald waves mixed with gold

Emerald green and Gold

Turquoise and Emerald water deepens into a combo of blue and greens

Real sand mixed with resin to make a smooth surface

Real sand mixed with resin to make a smooth surface

Smooth texture with a soft powdery finish

Real sand mixed with resin to make a smooth surface

Tan rocks with waves swirling around them

Black rocks with waves swirling around

Lava Rock beach with hot lava flow

Tan rocks with waves swirling around them

Crackle and sandy textures

Crackle and sandy textures